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Ógras Nás na Ríogh - Naas 2024/25
Gach dara Aoine
|McAuley Hall & Gael Choláiste Chill Dara
Nás na Ríogh, Co. Chill Dara - Naas, Kildare Do dhaoine óga sa 1ú-3ú bhliain sa mheánscoil - For young people in 1st-3rd year of secondary school,
Lán/Dúnta - Full/Closed
Ócáidí eile - Other eventsAm & Áit - Time & Location
Gach dara Aoine
McAuley Hall & Gael Choláiste Chill Dara, R445, Naas West, Naas, Co. Kildare, Ireland
Sonraí - Details
* Déan teagmháil le hAmie chun clárú - Contact Amie to register: / +353 87 918 7120 *
Lá agus am teacht le chéile:
Ar an dara Aoine den mhí: Ionad Phobal McAuley, Nás, 4in-6in
Ar an Aoine deireanach den mhí: Gael Choláiste Chill Dara, 1in-3in
Meeting day and time:
Every second Friday of the month: McAuley Place Community Centre, Naas, 4pm-6pm
Every last Friday of the month: Gael-Choláiste Chill Dara, 1pm-3pm
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